
The year of 2004-2005

It should be noted, that in this house of light and cooking, below the bright orange- greens of Adelaide's attic, was a rather dark presence. Many characters of the world were sharply faceted- Adelaide had been a behaviorialist her second year of college when she abandoned pre-med to study psychology. She had also seen all of the Star Wars movies. So she knew, on a purely intellectual level, there were a number of Good Reasons that Dana was evil. However, on a Gut Level, she had come to suspect he was simply evil as God's way of testing her to never entirely hate another human being. Adelaide seemed to be losing all her wagers with God.
Dana was racist- both in that he thought that non-white races were primitive, and in that races should not mingle. His lip would curl in contempt when he was around too many black people, and he said the DMV made his skin crawl. He did not know why black people had to "talk that way" or "act that way". He felt even more harshly towards fat people, harboring such contempt that he would ponder aloud how a fat person could loathe themselves so much as to continue in the exercise of living. He would grab Adelaide's tummy and jiggle it, while looking like he might throw up. Dana did not know why everyone was so serious, and people overreacted to his sense of humor.
To make all his many points, his girlfirend had a tight body, firm ass, perky breasts, but she was extremely ugly. Her hair was butchered, her hose hooked like a witches, her jaw dropped and pointy. Dana did not know how his friends snickered behind her back or asked Adelaide many questions as to why, and instead he proudly rotated around with her on his arm. Her body, the most important thing, was cut, and he was a proud white man.

Dana was also an elitist. Though his grades were not good enough for a top ten law school, he had contempt for those not in the most elite acadamies. One of the first things you found out about Dana was that he went to Dartmouth. How he failed from there was anyone's guess. Now he went to a pretty good law school that clung on to the top fifty in the rankings. For nonprofit, international and radical law, it was on eof the top choices. Thus Dana had to closet his neo-conservatism. After a year he had a small select group of balding white cronies who he could make his racist and fatty jokes with, and discuss the atrocities of white women with black dildos.

He had many more friends beyond this, because Dana could ask questions successfully. Although he was not particularly bright and often had to have the answers repeated slowly, he knew how to ask questions that made the target feel important. He immediately honed in on insecurities, and flattered the target accordingly, thus winning trust on vanity. Since he was tall, with big shoulders, blue eyes and brown hair, he was considered by many girls as extremely attractive, and Adelaide discovered that cute white men can really get away with murder. Adelaide, however, from living with him, knew that his nose was also slightly hooked, he lips were thin, his teeth were slightly yellow, he had a tendency to get portly, and he smelled awful most of the time, like a mixture of molding semen and sweat. She winced when he lay on her bed, and would sneak in to turn the fan on his room.

Adelaide, at once point, had spent a lot of time with him. She was pleased to discover in the aftermath that she had never grown close to him.


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